RDF Developer

Tipo di impegno: Delivery.

Descrizione: Experienced RDF developer required to develop a consolidated pan-archival RDF catalogue that meets users’ needs.

Esperienza minima di anni: 4 Years.

Skills Required:

  • Experience using standards-based ontologies/vocabularies, such as W3C PROV data model, Dublin Core and W3C ODRL.
  • Experience in validating RDF data (using RDF SHACL, for example).
  • Experience in creating and working with RDF databases and SPARQL, e.g., AWS Neptune.

Aree di responsabilità:

  • Developing a pan-archival catalogue, bringing together record descriptions from multiple catalogues into a single new system.
  • Developing API functions to search, select, add, export, edit, import, and delete catalogue data.
  • Developing search for use by expert users (using SPARQL with Elasticsearch).

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