Delivery Manager

Tipo de compromiso: Delivery.

Descripción: Delivery Manager to support the adoption of a pre-emptive posture in IT incident prevention.

Años de experiencia mínima: 4 Years.

Habilidades clave requeridas:

  • Experience of setting up and successful coordination of user groups with a membership that includes IT technical specialists.
  • Experience of providing a project management capability aligned to the APM BOK 7 methodology.
  • Experience of managing suppliers, including reviewing quality, providing direction on the prioritisation of tasks, and resolving conflict.

Áreas de responsabilidad:

  • Secure the client’s supplier event management data and oversee a phased roll-out.
  • Utilise event management data and oversee a phased role out.
  • Support augmenting the service management integrated technical solutions team.

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